Complex approach to the protection of fauna of terrestrial ecosystems from landscape fragmentation in the Czech Republic
Project title: Complex approach to the protection of fauna of terrestrial ecosystems from landscape fragmentation in the Czech Republic
Subsidy provider: EHP fondy, program CZ02 – Biodiverzita a ekosystémové služby /Monitorování a integrované plánování a kontrola v životním prostředí/ Adaptace na změnu klimatu
Fragmentation of landscape and populations is among the most critical processes threatening terrestrial biodiversity, which is considered in strategic documents in the Czech Republic. A range of partial methodological approaches and measures have been adopted in the Czech Republic, but their effectiveness is insufficient. The main setback is the conceptual fragmentation of methodologies from viewpoints of different organism groups. Another no less serious setback concerns insufficient interconnection of these methodological approaches and measures with land use planning, which is among the main protection tools for the environment and landscape against fragmentation.
The basic aim of the project was to design a complex methodological approach to protect landscape connectivity for main relevant groups of terrestrial animals. The outcomes are conceived so that they would be usable in practice in land use planning, particularly as land-analytical bases. The implementation of this aim has a crucial effect on biodiversity protection in the Czech Republic and is in perfect compliance with the focus of the whole CZ02 programme.
The aim of the awareness part of the project was to contribute to the protection of landscape connectivity both by informing wider public on this issue, and by improving decision-making processes through presenting and providing final methodological materials to professional community and the state administration.