Department of Road Transport and Intelligent Transport Systems (O44)
This department provides elaboration of expert opinions for the Czech Ministry of Transport, dealing with the evaluation survey of state technical supervision, develop methodologies for the performance of public administration, train civil servants, carriers and drivers and processes statistics on the development of public passenger transport and freight transport, including their analyses and proposals for future procedures.
The department provides support for institutions providing expert state supervision. Traffic and transport costs should not only be collision-free, but also safe and economical. On whether these are participating carriers on the one hand, their drivers and fleet, but also the regional authorities, the Police of the Czech Republic and other institutions that provide special state supervision in road transport (SOD). These authorities section is a partner in the exercise of SOD. All these institutions area offers technical assistance, including seminars, training, academic texts and aids.
The area provides ADR training and safety advisers.
As for passenger transport, this department deals with examination of transport services in regions and proposes solutions to these problems and their optimization. For the Ministry of Transport, it prepares expert opinions relating to transport services and integrated transport systems, and background documentation for the relevant legal regulations.
As for freight transport, this department addresses the issues of intermodal transport, with a focus on integrating the various modes of transport into the transport process, including a comparison of cost items.
Professional activity is focused on the following topics:
- practices of public administration in the field of road transport,
- statistics on the development of public passenger transport and freight transport, including the analysis and design to proceed,
- studies, expertises and surveys of public passenger transport,
- integration of individual modes of transport into the transport process,
- development of intermodal transport.
The department also deals with the topic of transport telematics. The main objectives of telematics are enhance the quality and comfort of transport, providing of mobility, improve traffic safety, improve services and passenger information, sharing of reducing the consequences of the negative impact of transport on the environment
The department of transport telematics monitors and creates the latest development trends in the field of intelligent transport systems (ITS). It is involved in projects at home and abroad. The works within this department integrate knowledge from the field of transport informatics, logistics, telecommunications, environment, traffic engineering, transport and urban planning and road safety.
Transport telematics helps smoothen the traffic flow, increase the safety of road traffic and protect the environment in the limited opportunities for the development of transport infrastructure and the current rapid rise in road traffic in recent years. This department is significantly involved in the transfer of new ITS knowledge through organizing of conferences and seminars aimed at familiarizing the professional public with new opportunities, which offers the field of transport telematics. Meetings with experts from around the world have positive impacts on the development within this field in the Czech Republic.
AThis department cooperates mainly with telecommunication companies, transport departments of municipal authorities, the Police of the Czech Republic, insurance companies and public transport companies. It becomes their partner in addressing the implementation of new technologies and systems.
Actively engages in activities of the Czech Association for Transport Telematics, of which the CDV is a founding member, and also cooperates with the Association of Public Transport Companies and the Technical Standards Commission for transport telematics (TNK 136) of the Czech Standards Institute.
Professional activity is focused on the following topics:
- strategy and concept for application of telematics in transport systems,
- ITS architecture, standardization in the field of road telematics,
- technology for kilometre-based charging,
- means of influencing the behaviour of traffic flow,
- application of telematic systems for handicapped people in transport,
- integration of information on real traffic situations in public transport,
- development of new detection and evaluation devices.
- Thematic area also offers the services:
- preparation and supervision of public procurement,
- services associated with the measurement of parameters of traffic flows in urban and rural areas,
- system and software design,
- consultancy in ITS problematic.
Chief manager:
Internal projects
- Analysis of extending tolls to the lower classes and the issue of bypassing toll sections and analysis of high-speed weighing on road safety
- DOPSIT - Support for networks of excellence researchers and academics in the field of transport
- OKTAEDR - Partnership and Networks in Civil Engineering
- ADVASOFT - Advanced software tools in Civil Engineering
- Unified data system for public transport with regard to the application of a standard format with the option to link existing systems into a single software platform
- Telematic systems for public transport
- The methodology for detecting manipulation of the recording equipment and the driver card
- RODOS - Transport Systems Development Centre
- ROMODIS - Inteligent transportation systems development
- SMART MAP: Using Big Data and Smart technologies for city strategic planning and investments
- Telematic systems for public transport
- ViaZONE project - „Increasing traffic flow and transit capacity at highway and expressway locations with temporarily limited transit by means of mobile cooperative ITS systems – Mobile active traffic management
External projects
- Connecting Long and Short-distance networks for Efficient tRansport
- Transport and Innovation Logistics by Local Authorities with a Zest for Efficiency and RealizationFREIGHTWISE Management Framework for Intelligent Intermodal Transport
- Policy Learning in Informatíon technologies for Public Transport Enhancing
- Udržitelná lidská mobilita ve městech
- CLOSER Policy Advisory Group
- Transport Research Knowledge Centre