Diagnostics of Reinforcement Conditions in Concrete Structures by GPR, Impact-Echo Method and Metal Magnetic Memory Method
It is important to use adequately reliable non-destructive methods that would be capable of determining the reinforcement conditions in concrete structures. Three different methods: ground penetrating radar, impact-echo method, and metal magnetic memory method were used for testing laboratory-prepared reinforced concrete beams (with a reinforcing bar of the same diameter along its whole length, reinforcing bar locally impaired, and reinforcing bar interrupted). The ground-penetrating radar proved the correlation of signal parameters with the reinforcing bar condition. An impairment/interruption reinforcing bar appeared in the record from measurements in the transversal and longitudinal direction by changes of the observed depth of the reinforcing bar from the concrete surface and direct wave attenuation. The impact-echo method proved that the shifts of the dominant frequencies from the response signal correspond with the impairment/interruption of the reinforcing bar. Results of diagnostics by the metal magnetic memory method were presented by a magnetogram of the magnetic field strength and field gradient on the measured distance. The changes in the magnetic field strength proved different stress concentration zones due to the reinforcing bar condition. The used non-destructive methods showed that they are capable of indicating the different reinforcement conditions in reinforced concrete beams. This paper indicates in which cases and for what reason it is appropriate to use these three methods and in what way they differ from each other.