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Division of Sustainable Transport and Transport Structures Diagnostics

Division includes four closely related areas of expertise that deal with transport infrastructure and environmental impact of transport.

The first department focuses on rationalization of the design, construction, maintenance and repairs of roads and other transport structures and application of new non-destructive diagnostic methods. It also prepares background data for the technical policy, diagnostics and evaluation of operational and technical conditions. It also addresses legislation, standardization of technical regulations in the field of transport infrastructure.

The second department focuses on production of strategic documents in the field of sustainable transport in national and regional levels, as well as in the level of individual towns. Professional specialization of this department includes production of environmental parts of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP), issue of mitigation and adaptation in relation to climate change, issue of landscape fragmentation, modelling and measurements of transport emissions, and environmental acoustics.

The activities in the third department focus on transport impacts on air, soil, water, sediments, biome, as well as on composition of building materials and release of pollutants from them. They focus on production of methodological approaches, materials for legislation and technical regulations, perform contractual monitoring of environment quality indicators with results evaluation and design of measures to improve the situation.

The fourth department focuses on hydrogen technologies and their use in transport. It is mainly concerned with the methods of hydrogen production and the possibilities of its efficient transport to the consumption nodes. The research potential, in these early stages of hydrogen deployment in transport, is concentrated on creating the basis for a logical and efficient hydrogen infrastructure.

All departments cooperate very closely with the Laboratory of the Transport Research Centre, which is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation that enables the solution of activities at a high quality level.

The division also focuses on the transfer of the acquired knowledge into practical applications for public administration and the private sector. Another focus of the division is on contracts for which the high level of expertise and impartiality guaranteed by the independent status of a public research institution is emphasised by the contracting authority. We closely cooperate with prestigious national and international universities and research organisations.



Research coordinator
Project economist: