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HR Award and technology transfer in CDV

On 20 January 2020 Transport Research Centre committed to the principles enshrined in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The aim of the institution is to receive a certificate HR AWARD, which is awarded by the European Commission to institutions which implement strategy HRS4R (The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) based on these principles.

The first step is processing internal GAP analysis, whose goal is to compare the existing situation in the institution with the Charter and the Code. GAP analysis includes a questionnaire survey among employees. Afterwards, an action plan is drawn for the process of implementation of measures leading to meeting principles enshrined in the Charter and the Code.

Strategy benefits for researchers:

  • improved quality of human resources care,
  • development of researchers’ professional growth,
  • creating conditions for better career growth in R&D,
  • better prestige of the research organization for researchers,
  • quality recruitment and selection of new researchers,
  • integration with the European network of research organizations, international attractiveness,
  • receive funding for research from European and Czech programmes supporting research, and advantages in programmes of Technological Agency of the Czech Republic, HORIZON 2020 and others.

Project activities:

  1. Setting research institution strategic management in compliance with the HR Award requirements – the aim is to set the institution strategic management, ensure compliance of internal processes and overall HR policy of the institution in order to receive and maintain the HR Award. The activity runs over the whole project duration.
  2. Strategic setting and development of human resources, gender equality and research institution management – the aim is to revise the existing and create new documents related to recruitment of researchers, including focus on aspiring young scientists and female scientists, and support of employees’ training. The activity runs over the whole project duration.
  3. Strategic setting and development of cross-sector cooperation and technology transfer – the aim is to support professionalization of the CTT specialist team, enhance international reputation, and share experience in the form of international cooperation. The activity is implemented in 2021-2022.
  4. Strategic setting and development of popularization of research and development – the aim is to develop popularization activities of the institution in research and development, modernize the visitors’ centre, create and pilot popular education programmes for selected target groups. The activity is implemented in 2021-2022.

HR Award work group members:

Ing. Jindřich Frič, Ph.D., MBA CDV Director
Mgr. Jana Mazálková, MBA Project Direktor
Ing. Martina Laifrová Project and Financial Manager
Ing. Iveta Pešková Specialistka HR Award
Ing. Helena Bojanovská Training and HR Specialist
Ing. Tomáš Habán, LL.M. Lawyer
Ing. Veronika Peťková Marketing Specialist
Ing. Roman Čampula Reseacher
Ing. Eva Kšicová Reseacher

The activities of the work group and meeting individual phases are overseen by the institution management which consists of directors of research divisions and support departments.

Project duration:

The award is sought for within the project of Operational Programme Research Development and Education II at Transport Research Centre, CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014641, whose key activity is setting of research institution strategic management in compliance with requirements for the HR Award. The project duration is from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022.

On September 6, 2021, the Transport Research Center became a proud holder of the HR Award.


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