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Transport Research Centre Laboratories

Laboratoř dopravní infrastruktury
Transport Infrastructure Laboratory

The lab is accredited for the testing of concrete in fresh and hardened state, mortar in fresh and hardened states, screed materials, soil – laboratory and field tests, aggregates – graininess and conducting select tests of building constructions, surfaces and construction layers of roadways.

Laboratoř životního prostředí
Environmental Laboratory

We conduct accredited assessments of harmful substance concentrations in the outside atmosphere (pollutant emission), traffic noise measuring and eco-toxicological tests. We measure the concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere, as listed in Act No 201/2012 Coll., authorized by the Ministry of the Environment.

Laboratoř dopravního značení
Traffic sign laboratory

Laboratoř provádí akreditované zkoušení optických vlastností v oblasti svislých dopravních značek a vodorovného dopravního značení, a také neakreditované zkoušení drsnosti/protismykových vlastností povrchu vozovky a vodorovného dopravního značení.

Laboratoř dopravních nehod
Traffic accident laboratory

The laboratory deals with detailed inspection of vehicles after an accident. It mainly focuses the finding of potential technical failures that might have influenced the causes or effects of the accident.

Psychologická laboratoř
Psychological laboratory

The psychological laboratory helps with the traffic psychology diagnostics of drivers, including professional drivers. It takes place on a computer, and when that part is over, an interview with a traffic psychologist follows. For the testing, we use the Vienna test system, which belongs to the most advanced diagnostic tools in Czechia.