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Provision of traffic information in real time on TEN-T network – Parking areas for heavy vehicles on Czech motorway network

Project title: Provision of traffic information in real time on TEN-T network – Parking areas for heavy vehicles on Czech motorway network
Subsidy provider: Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury, program: Nové technologie


The project aimed to create a database of all parking areas on Czech motorway network by a standard way according to DATEX II (statistical data), determine the hierarchy by importance of individual parking areas and motorway rest areas, and design their equipment through suitable detection technologies that allow for providing information on their occupancy in real time (dynamic data). In addition, the project designs the architecture of the whole system, mandatory and non-mandatory data elements according to DATEX II (CEN TS 16157-6), and required investment costs in the following years 2017 – 2022. Furthermore, at a selected segment, the pilot installation in parking areas was performed in order to verify validity of the given design. The final software provides static and dynamic data in the European format DATEX II as open data for use by third parties (e.g. to fleet management system or navigation systems providers).


instalace kamerového systému
instalace přenosové sítě
provedení vývrtů ve vozovce
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