Odborné články Zvyklosti při dobíjení bateriových elektromobilů v České republice 2.12.2024 Seasonal and spatial variations of arsenic and its species in particulate matter in an urban environment of Brno, Czech Republic 26.9.2024 Comparison of high mileage LPG cars in different technical condition in Czechia: Particle-bound PAHs 25.9.2024 Impact of light mica on the intensity of the alkali-silica reactions in cement concrete pavements containing cataclased granite aggregates 25.9.2024 Best Practice pro fungování komisí BESIP v obcích 27.8.2024 Olfactory repellents decrease the number of ungulate-vehicle collisions on roads: Results of a two-year carcass study 11.7.2024 Identifikace klíčových faktorů ovlivňující závažnost střetů se stromy ve vazbě na Strategii BESIP 2021–2023 19.6.2024 Vliv alkoholu na nehodovost řidičů elektrokoloběžek 18.6.2024 Podpora elektromobility v Česku je dnes již relativně široká 12.6.2024 Wildlife-vehicle collisions: The disproportionate risk of injury faced by motorcyclists 22.5.2024 Česko se v oblasti fatalit na pozemních komunikacích přiblížilo zemím Evropské unie 16.5.2024 A spatiotemporal analysis of ungulate–vehicle collision hotspots in response to road construction and realignment. 16.4.2024 Koncept plug-in elektromobilu s palivovými články ve vztahu k řidičské praxi v České republice 31.1.2024 Economic Evaluation of Externalities Caused by Traffic Accidents (PIARC 2023) 13.12.2023 Vodíková mobilita se zatím v zemích EU prosazuje jen velmi pozvolna 11.12.2023 Czech Road Traffic Safety Strategy 2021–2030 (PIARC 2023) 4.12.2023 Impact of storms on rail transport: a case study from Czechia 27.11.2023 Infrastruktura: Pilíř Strategie BESIP, která po dvou letech aktualizuje akční plány 4.10.2023 STKDE+ approach reveals wildlife-vehicle collision hotspots at broken fence locations 3.10.2023 Průzkum používání tuningu na elektrokolech v České republice 11.9.2023 Výzkum vhodných úprav křižovatek ve vztahu ke kapacitě a environmentálním dopadům 8.8.2023 Analysis of Covid restrictions’ influence on road traffic crashes and related road users’ behaviour in the Czech Republic 8.8.2023 Capacity and emission evaluation of new interchange designs using microsimulation 8.8.2023 Minimum required accuracy for HD maps 8.8.2023 Ungulate-vehicle crashes peak a month earlier than 38 years ago due to global warming 8.8.2023 Data o dopravních nehodách využita pro detekci klimatické změny 23.6.2023 Náš článek o střetech vozidel se zvěří v době pandemie citoval časopis Science 16.6.2023 Řidiči s elektromobily ujedou v Česku za rok přes 12 tisíc kilometrů – více než řidiči aut benzínových 15.6.2023 Research on walking as a mode of transport: Recommendations of the International Walking Data Standard project versus Czech national transport research project Czechia in Motion 13.6.2023 An R package for identification of outliers in environmental time series data 13.6.2023 Cellular automaton created as an m-ary product of algebraic quasi-multiautomata 8.6.2023 Je lepší středová čára nebo vodicí čáry? 8.6.2023 Skanowanie 3D w badaniach wypadków drogowych 8.6.2023 Minimální vliv značky Zvěř na změnu rychlosti vozidel 8.6.2023 A review of the best practice in traffic calming evaluation 8.6.2023 Possibilities and limits of dendrogeomorphic data as a basis for defining thresholds for landslide triggering 8.6.2023 What influences lateral position in horizontal curves? 8.6.2023 An effect of canopy bridges on monkey vehicle collision hotspots: Spatial and spatiotemporal analyses 8.6.2023 Astronomically determined localities, the core part of Ptolemy's Geography 8.6.2023 Cellular automaton created as an m-ary product of algebraic quasi-multiautomata 8.6.2023 Posouzení životního cyklu komponent osobních vozidel 14.3.2023 Influence of Speed and Other External Factors on the Functioning of Automatic Emergency Braking During Unexpected Interactions With Pedestrians 20.1.2023 Analýza používání bezpečnostních pásů v České republice 4.1.2023 Optimalizace veřejné dobíjecí infrastruktury v ČR 7.12.2022 Smrtelné následky nehod na elektrokolech v České republice 8.9.2022 Rozvoj vodíku v silniční dopravě v České republice a Evropské unii 14.6.2022 Factors related to severe single-vehicle tree crashes: In-depth crash study 3.5.2022 From automata to multiautomata via theory of hypercompositional structures 3.5.2022 Modelling the driving speed on expressway ramps based on floating car data 3.5.2022 Vliv stáří silničních vozidel na bezpečnost silničního provozu 21.3.2022 Používání bezpečnostních pásů v České republice 21.3.2022 Genderová a regionální specifika užívání cyklistických přileb v kontextu KPI Strategie BESIP 2021–2030 6.1.2022 Článek CDV byl citován v jednom z nejprestižnějších vědeckých časopisů 9.12.2021 HMD-Based VR Tool for Traffic Psychological Examination: Conceptualization and Design Proposition 3.11.2021 What are the factors determining user intentions to use AV while impaired? 27.9.2021 CHILDA – Czech Historical Landslide Database 10.9.2021 Impact of road salting on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) 10.9.2021 Seasonal Variation and Sources of Elements in Urban Submicron and Fine Aerosol in Brno, Czech Republic 10.9.2021 Diagnostics of Reinforcement Conditions in Concrete Structures by GPR, Impact-Echo Method and Metal Magnetic Memory Method 10.9.2021 Reactivity of slag in 15 years old self-compacting concrete 10.9.2021 Linguistic Diversity Index: A Scientometric Measure to Enhance the Relevance of Small and Minority Group Languages 20.7.2021 Situation Awareness Measurement in Remotely Controlled Cars 20.7.2021 Research based on scientific realism should not make preliminary assumptions about mathematical structure representing human behavior: Cronbach and Gleser’s measure as an example 20.7.2021 Representativeness of Czech In-Depth Accident Data 30.6.2021 Bezpečný boční odstup při předjíždění cyklistů 18.5.2021 Rozvoj elektromobility v ČR 19.4.2021 COVID-19 related travel restrictions prevented numerous wildlife deaths on roads: A comparative analysis of results from 11 countries 1.4.2021 National policies and municipal practices: A comparative study of Czech and Portuguese urban mobility plans 24.3.2021 Případová studie: Komplexní porovnání dvou téměř identických nehod 23.3.2021 FEHRL – Sdružení evropských výzkumných silničních výzkumných ústavů a Big Data 10.12.2020 Effectiveness Evaluation of Section Speed Control in Czech Motorway Work Zones 24.8.2020 “Smart” quarantine and “blanket” quarantine: the Czech response to the COVID-19 pandemic 4.8.2020 Attitudes, norms and difficulties underlying road sharing intentions as drivers and cyclists: Evidence from the Czech Republic 4.8.2020 Walking against or with traffic? Evaluating pedestrian fatalities and head injuries in Taiwan 4.8.2020 A neuroscientific evaluation of driver rehabilitation: Functional neuroimaging demonstrates the effectiveness of empathy induction in altering brain responses during social information processing 4.8.2020 Training or Battling a Monster of a Location-Based Augmented-Reality Game While Descending Stairs: An Observational Study of Inattentional Blindness and Deafness and Risk-Taking Inclinations 4.8.2020 Human Factors in the Cybersecurity of Autonomous Vehicles: Trends in Current Research. 4.8.2020 Personality and professional drivers´driving behaviour 4.8.2020 Differences in facial affect recognition between non-offending and offending drivers 4.8.2020 Usability of a Wi-Fi fingerprint approach for place departure recognition in travel surveys 4.8.2020 Population-based case–control study of the effect of sun glare on pedestrian fatalities in Taiwan 4.8.2020 Certified methodology: Use of Thermography for Diagnostics of Transport Infrastructure Structures 17.7.2020 Dispersion characteristics of PM10 particles identified by numerical simulation in the vicinity of roads passing through various types of urban areas 14.7.2020 Air Quality in Brno City Parks 14.7.2020 Occurrence, Seasonal Variation, and Size Resolved Distribution of Arsenic Species in Atmospheric Particulate Matter in an Urban Area in Southeastern Austria 14.7.2020 Experimental Laboratory Testing on Behavior of Dowels in Concrete Pavements 14.7.2020 Unqulate-vehicle collisions and traffic volume on roads 8.7.2020 Roadkill risk and population vulnerability in European birds and mammals 8.6.2020 n-Ary Cartesian Composition of Multiautomata with Internal Link for Autonomous Control of Lane Shifting 21.5.2020 How does road marking in horizontal curves influence driving behaviour? 13.5.2020 Enhancing the insight into Czech railway level crossings' safety performance 5.5.2020 Where and when do drivers speed? A feasibility study of using probe vehicle data for speeding analysis 30.4.2020 A chronology of landsliding based on archaeological and documentary data: Pavlovské vrchy Hills, Western Carpathian Flysch Belt 22.1.2020 Benefits and challenges of collaborating with volunteers: Examples from National Wildlife Roadkill Reporting Systems in Europe 20.1.2020 Comparison of infrared thermography, ground-penetrating radar andultrasonic pulse echo for detecting delaminations in concrete bridges 5.11.2019 Metody používané při hodnocení stavu pozemních komunikací v ČR 21.10.2019 Impact of New Year's Eve fireworks on the size resolved element distributions in airborne particles 16.7.2019 A detailed spatiotemporal analysis of traffic crash hotspots 12.7.2019 TRANSGREEN - A Lookback on the Project 28.6.2019 Effectiveness of Dowels in Concrete Pavement 22.5.2019 On reliable identification of factors influencing wildlife-vehicle collisions along roads 6.3.2019 Which curves are dangerous? A network-wide analysis of traffic crash and infrastructure data 6.3.2019 ROCA – An ArcGIS toolbox for road alignment identification and horizontal curve radii computation 6.3.2019 Application of KDE+ software to identify collective risk hotspots of ungulate-vehicle collisions in South Tyrol, Northern Italy 6.3.2019 Variations in the composition and relations between alkali-silica gels and calcium silicate hydrates in highway concrete 5.3.2019 Arsenic speciation in aerosols of a respiratory therapeutic cave: A first approach to study arsenicals in ultrafine particles 15.2.2019 Structural Integrity of Stone Blocks From Charles Bridge in Prague 1.2.2019 Identifying Locations along Railway Networks with the Highest Tree Fall Hazard 1.2.2019 Srazenazver.cz: A system for evidence of animal-vehicle collisions along transportation networks 1.2.2019 Cave microclimatology: diurnal variations in aerosol particle concentrations 25.1.2019 Safety assessment of Czech motorways and national roads 7.1.2019 Nehodovost v roce 2017 dle druhu komunikací 15.8.2018 Identification of Local Factors Causing Clustering of Animal-Vehicle Collisions 17.4.2018 A modified ant colony optimization algorithm to increase the speed of the road network recovery process after disasters 17.4.2018 Sulfur determination in concrete samples using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and limestone standards 16.4.2018 The consequences of establishing military training areas for land use development—A case study of Libavá, Czech Republic 16.4.2018 Bioindication of road salting impact on Norway spruce (Picea abies) 5.3.2018 The December 2014 glaze event in the Czech Republic: predictability and impacts 28.2.2018 Cycling fatalities: When a helmet is useless and when it might save your life 9.2.2018 Improving the Self-Explaining Performance of Czech National Roads 22.11.2017 Identifikace kritických míst silniční sítě 2.11.2017 An evaluation of odor repellent effectiveness in prevention of wildlife-vehicle collisions 17.10.2017 Efficient road geometry identification from digital vector data 16.6.2016 Identification of Road Horizontal Alignment Inconsistencies – A Pilot Study from the Czech Republic 6.4.2016 Developing Updatable Crash Prediction Model for Network Screening: Case Study of Czech Two-Lane Rural Road Segments 6.4.2016 Circumstances and Causes of Fatal Cycling Crashes in the Czech Republic 27.10.2015 Evaluating road network damage caused by natural disasters in the Czech Republic between 1997 and 2010 1.10.2015 The KDE+ software: a tool for effective identification and ranking of animal-vehicle collision hotspots along networks 26.8.2015 Network robustness and random processes 15.6.2015 How comfortable are your cycling tracks? A new method for objective bicycle vibration measurement 10.6.2015 Total water content thresholds for shallow landslides, Outer Western Carpathians 21.3.2015 Effect of slope failures on river-network pattern: A river piracy case study from the flysch belt of the Outer Western Carpathians 1.6.2014 An epidemiological approach to determining the risk of road damage due to landslides 22.3.2014 Identification of hazardous road locations of traffic accidents by means of kernel density estimation and cluster significance evaluation 3.3.2013 Unified GIS database on cycle tourism infrastructure 2.3.2012 Critical factors in fatal collisions of adult cyclists with automobiles 10.4.2010
Seasonal and spatial variations of arsenic and its species in particulate matter in an urban environment of Brno, Czech Republic 26.9.2024
Comparison of high mileage LPG cars in different technical condition in Czechia: Particle-bound PAHs 25.9.2024
Impact of light mica on the intensity of the alkali-silica reactions in cement concrete pavements containing cataclased granite aggregates 25.9.2024
Olfactory repellents decrease the number of ungulate-vehicle collisions on roads: Results of a two-year carcass study 11.7.2024
Identifikace klíčových faktorů ovlivňující závažnost střetů se stromy ve vazbě na Strategii BESIP 2021–2023 19.6.2024
A spatiotemporal analysis of ungulate–vehicle collision hotspots in response to road construction and realignment. 16.4.2024
Koncept plug-in elektromobilu s palivovými články ve vztahu k řidičské praxi v České republice 31.1.2024
Analysis of Covid restrictions’ influence on road traffic crashes and related road users’ behaviour in the Czech Republic 8.8.2023
Řidiči s elektromobily ujedou v Česku za rok přes 12 tisíc kilometrů – více než řidiči aut benzínových 15.6.2023
Research on walking as a mode of transport: Recommendations of the International Walking Data Standard project versus Czech national transport research project Czechia in Motion 13.6.2023
Possibilities and limits of dendrogeomorphic data as a basis for defining thresholds for landslide triggering 8.6.2023
An effect of canopy bridges on monkey vehicle collision hotspots: Spatial and spatiotemporal analyses 8.6.2023
Influence of Speed and Other External Factors on the Functioning of Automatic Emergency Braking During Unexpected Interactions With Pedestrians 20.1.2023
Genderová a regionální specifika užívání cyklistických přileb v kontextu KPI Strategie BESIP 2021–2030 6.1.2022
HMD-Based VR Tool for Traffic Psychological Examination: Conceptualization and Design Proposition 3.11.2021
Seasonal Variation and Sources of Elements in Urban Submicron and Fine Aerosol in Brno, Czech Republic 10.9.2021
Diagnostics of Reinforcement Conditions in Concrete Structures by GPR, Impact-Echo Method and Metal Magnetic Memory Method 10.9.2021
Linguistic Diversity Index: A Scientometric Measure to Enhance the Relevance of Small and Minority Group Languages 20.7.2021
Research based on scientific realism should not make preliminary assumptions about mathematical structure representing human behavior: Cronbach and Gleser’s measure as an example 20.7.2021
COVID-19 related travel restrictions prevented numerous wildlife deaths on roads: A comparative analysis of results from 11 countries 1.4.2021
National policies and municipal practices: A comparative study of Czech and Portuguese urban mobility plans 24.3.2021
Attitudes, norms and difficulties underlying road sharing intentions as drivers and cyclists: Evidence from the Czech Republic 4.8.2020
Walking against or with traffic? Evaluating pedestrian fatalities and head injuries in Taiwan 4.8.2020
A neuroscientific evaluation of driver rehabilitation: Functional neuroimaging demonstrates the effectiveness of empathy induction in altering brain responses during social information processing 4.8.2020
Training or Battling a Monster of a Location-Based Augmented-Reality Game While Descending Stairs: An Observational Study of Inattentional Blindness and Deafness and Risk-Taking Inclinations 4.8.2020
Population-based case–control study of the effect of sun glare on pedestrian fatalities in Taiwan 4.8.2020
Certified methodology: Use of Thermography for Diagnostics of Transport Infrastructure Structures 17.7.2020
Dispersion characteristics of PM10 particles identified by numerical simulation in the vicinity of roads passing through various types of urban areas 14.7.2020
Occurrence, Seasonal Variation, and Size Resolved Distribution of Arsenic Species in Atmospheric Particulate Matter in an Urban Area in Southeastern Austria 14.7.2020
n-Ary Cartesian Composition of Multiautomata with Internal Link for Autonomous Control of Lane Shifting 21.5.2020
Where and when do drivers speed? A feasibility study of using probe vehicle data for speeding analysis 30.4.2020
A chronology of landsliding based on archaeological and documentary data: Pavlovské vrchy Hills, Western Carpathian Flysch Belt 22.1.2020
Benefits and challenges of collaborating with volunteers: Examples from National Wildlife Roadkill Reporting Systems in Europe 20.1.2020
Comparison of infrared thermography, ground-penetrating radar andultrasonic pulse echo for detecting delaminations in concrete bridges 5.11.2019
Impact of New Year's Eve fireworks on the size resolved element distributions in airborne particles 16.7.2019
Which curves are dangerous? A network-wide analysis of traffic crash and infrastructure data 6.3.2019
ROCA – An ArcGIS toolbox for road alignment identification and horizontal curve radii computation 6.3.2019
Application of KDE+ software to identify collective risk hotspots of ungulate-vehicle collisions in South Tyrol, Northern Italy 6.3.2019
Variations in the composition and relations between alkali-silica gels and calcium silicate hydrates in highway concrete 5.3.2019
Arsenic speciation in aerosols of a respiratory therapeutic cave: A first approach to study arsenicals in ultrafine particles 15.2.2019
Srazenazver.cz: A system for evidence of animal-vehicle collisions along transportation networks 1.2.2019
A modified ant colony optimization algorithm to increase the speed of the road network recovery process after disasters 17.4.2018
Sulfur determination in concrete samples using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and limestone standards 16.4.2018
The consequences of establishing military training areas for land use development—A case study of Libavá, Czech Republic 16.4.2018
An evaluation of odor repellent effectiveness in prevention of wildlife-vehicle collisions 17.10.2017
Identification of Road Horizontal Alignment Inconsistencies – A Pilot Study from the Czech Republic 6.4.2016
Developing Updatable Crash Prediction Model for Network Screening: Case Study of Czech Two-Lane Rural Road Segments 6.4.2016
Evaluating road network damage caused by natural disasters in the Czech Republic between 1997 and 2010 1.10.2015
The KDE+ software: a tool for effective identification and ranking of animal-vehicle collision hotspots along networks 26.8.2015
How comfortable are your cycling tracks? A new method for objective bicycle vibration measurement 10.6.2015
Effect of slope failures on river-network pattern: A river piracy case study from the flysch belt of the Outer Western Carpathians 1.6.2014
Identification of hazardous road locations of traffic accidents by means of kernel density estimation and cluster significance evaluation 3.3.2013